The perfect next adventure for fans of Red Rising and Ender's Game series, Genesis Echo weaves together tales from a dystopian galaxy not too far from our own.
Humanity has fallen from a vast star-faring Empire to a defeated and imprisoned species, hiding in distant corners of space after millennia of brutal violence. For the past 70,000 years, Earth has been used as a prison for the Human species. Marooned and stripped of their memory, Earth’s inhabitants are completely unaware of their captivity. The Greys closely monitor everything happening - every facet of society is controlled, warped. And all the while Greys throughout the galaxy are tuned-in – watching on entertainment streams, their favorite reality TV.
The monomyth: its plot has been echoed throughout history in every culture around the world. Each iteration adapted, but its transformations reveal a basic shared consciousness of the many peoples of Earth.
What if, like later echoes, the monomyth was a whisper-down-the-alley hint to the true state of reality?
Would you want to know the real story?