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Wow! You made it here. Thank you. It really means the world to me that you wanted to learn about me and my book. I can't wait to go on this adventure with you. There are a few things I want the readers of the world to know. Through this exciting adventure, I want to talk about some important things. I want people to come away reading it more compassionate and feeling more connected to Humanity than they were before. I want to discuss the difficulties of loving people who are struggling, because so many people I love dearly are struggling. I want people to see more connection. I want people to realize we are all one and the same, we’re in this together. Our shared myths and legends show just that, they connect us with other adventurers across time and space. Maybe these stories have clues, and maybe if we follow those clues, we’ll learn more about who we truly are. I don’t know why I felt for so long that I had to write this story. I only knew I had to, and so I did. I hope this book can make the world a better place, I hope it can be an inspiration and a solace to struggling people. If it makes just one person sit down and try to meditate while they're in a difficult time, or to try and write a story to process their own life, I will consider this a fantastic success. Ten years of effort, well worth it.

About D. Hollis Anderson


Dylan Anderson is a young American author who first began writing articles about the intersection of music and science for, a music & arts tastemaker whose mission is to empower artists and promote social change through the arts. Dylan works a ‘day job’ in the music industry and writes at night from his home in Ocean Beach, San Diego. He enjoys surfing on the weekends with his friends.

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